Proposal for once weekly, fortnightly or monthly work/personal development or analytical CLINICAL SUPERVISION groups:

Fortnightly or monthly meetings of an hour and a half; with a Balint ‘turn taking’ method at the beginning followed by 45 minutes or so informal, open discussion.

All of this is facilitated and a strictly confidential safe container provided by me.

The Balint model is:

One presenter brings what they wish for 20 minutes while the other participants listen carefully.

The other participants then respond (without the presenter speaking) for 15 minutes. Finally, the presenter then responds for 5 minutes.

The content of the presentation is entirely at the discretion of the presenter and in my experience has been diverse and varied with personal and professional material explored as well as many issues rather than just one.

It sounds very formal and clipped but in practice is a useful way to discuss in depth tricky or complex  material. Analysis also takes place of the dynamics within the groups and positive outcomes can be achieved in conflict resolution, mediation, prevention and cure of bullying, harassment or even just working relationship improvement. In groups, we can spot trouble happening and foster deeper understanding of difference and equality very quickly. The model is used in all kinds of organisations and service providers for staff and operatives at all levels to great effect.


  • Restorative and therapeutic
  • Reflective space
  • Learning from each other through contribution and collaboration
  • Learning about group process (what’s happening among you too).


Working agreement and rules for:

  • STRICTEST Confidentiality for everyone participating, (including client material presented)
  • What happens in the group stays in the group
  • Apologies must be given formally directly to Eleanor 01386 550136, 0775 4066 187 and by voice;email and text are unacceptable.


  • Times of groups are to suit the team and fit in with your working lives
  • REVIEW / FEEDBACKSESSION EVERY CYCLE OF PRESENTATIONS (every time every participant has taken their turn). In effect, if monthly, this will be every 6 months to a year.

Advantages of group work

  • Learning from others
  • Access to the skills and style of others
  • Greater experience of a variety of experiences
  • Group and co-operative experience
  • Awareness of difference and self awareness
  • Support of colleagues as well as FACILITATOR/CONDUCTOR
  • Everybody contributes to the tasks of  this process
  • Awareness of group dynamics and the whole group experience is subject to group process.
  • Increased self consciousness: fear of being ‘exposed’, seen as ‘incompetent’ or ‘getting it wrong’, feelings of competitiveness, envy and rivalry all of these can inhibit the group process; the facilitator’s role is to monitor and interpret these defensive and inhibiting (and natural!) processes in the service of the group; to ensure that it is productive and empowering (and feels enjoyable). This self-awareness can also be very positive allowing one to see one’s own ‘blind spots’ and more of how one can come across to others.
  • Main focus could be on work, but it is also a safe space to share your concerns, pressures, etc. about WORK/LIFE in general and how that can make you feel.
  • Parallel Process and Unconscious motivations can be explored, interpretations and insight can be gained. The group interaction reflects something unacknowledged and yet-to-be-learned in relation to our service users and ourselves.